Interviewing ChatGPT for a Job

Interviewing ChatGPT for a Job

ChatGPT 3.5 and 4.0 are all the rage today.  They seem to be able to do anything and everything.  Since we are looking to create a staff of virtual workers, we decided to interview them and see how they could help us and what role or roles they could fill.  So we...
Our Staff of Artificial Assistants

Our Staff of Artificial Assistants

Amblit Technologies is developing a small team of artificial assistants/agents with defined roles that will manage certain company operations. These defined roles include specific recurring tasks, monitoring various operations and the ability to escalate issues when...

Amblit Navigator™ Architecture

Amblit Navigator™ was the next generation information and internet browser and content manager back in the early 2000’s.  With a simple, robust interface, notes, documents files and programs can be logically linked and fully searched. Through its Semantic Agent,...

Amy 2.0 Services

Amy 2.0 services were plug-ins for the Amy chatbot.  They were developed in 2002 and were a precursor to today’s Amazon Alexa services.  It was simple to add a new service.  Simply make an entry in the Amy service table and install the appropriate service script...

Family 1.0

Family is a genealogy program that enables you to more intimately explore family history and genealogy than is possible on websites like, and Family can read and combine mutliple GEDCOM files from the different genealogy...